Program Structure

One hour video lessons weekly.
About 30 -45 min solo Work-on-Self weekly.
Daily goals, calculators to measure your well-being and other markers.

Week 1 : Meet your Innermost Self

  • Using curiosity, reason and awareness, we identify with our Innermost Selves with Deep Compassion.
  • We learn how to meet ourselves in the 'rush' of the day.
  • We strengthen the inner conversation that occurs which drives our actions.
  • (Concepts used: Panchakosha, Nijatmana, Paramatmana)

Week 2: Create Energy

  • We understand how energy is created in our system from food and other inputs and what we can do to influence it.
  • We identify the physical blockages to energy flow and learn how to address them.
  • (Concepts used include: Agni, Ama, Ojas, Srotas)

Week 3: Plug Energy Drains

  • We identify the emotional roots of disease we all carry with us.
  • We learn how to notice when they create 'battery drains'.
  • We use our inner conversation to reframe their influence on us and open avenues of learning that liberate us.
  • (Concepts used include: Pragnya, Pragnyaaparadha, Vegadharana)

Week 4: Achieve Flow States

  • We synthesize everything we learnt to operate from a place of love instead of fear.
  • We learn how to create a supportive environment that nourishes us and everyone around us.
  • (Concepts used include: Advaita, Ananda, Satsanga, Abhayam, Karma-karma-phala)

Your Well-being Begins Now On

Join at suggested price or USD 199


Pay what you can, now or later, but come with sincerity and dignity.

I want to reclaim my well-being

Testimonial for the Program

I recently attended an online course "Unconditional Well-Being offered by Vaidya and Scientist, Dr. Nami Pathak. The course was offered  online in a group setting over a four week duration in a very interactive format.  Various modalities were used to engage the audience including tech savvy health apps to establish health goals, and to communicate as group. I was impressed with the scientific calculators and many other tools that Vaidya used to help asses individual health.

The course content was well organized, timely and very relevant to the topic being discussed.  Vaidya translated very complex information using Ayurveda, Yoga and Behavior Science to deconstruct concepts. Vaidya takes us on a journey to explore ourselves introducing us to constructs such as our " Expansive Self " and love, within where no duality exists. This concept is one of the key departures from western psychology. 

Dr. Nami's energy is both divine and contagious. I had sought this course primarily to create boundaries for myself and walked away learning a lot about self care, self love and establishing boundaries. I highly recommend this course if your are looking for tools to help you with your own self care, and improve your overall lifestyle. 

R Joshi San Diego, Ca March 2023

Testimonial 2

Dṛ. Nami led with eloquence, compassion and created a unique experience of being in a retreat with the energy of SAT-SANG in her own words- connection between the seekers (SANG) of SAT (truth). The material covered a seamless thread of Ayurvedic concepts, Vedantic perspective on Self, poetry by Robert Holden, and meditation, creating a sense of peace, purpose, and calm.
I personally loved, Dṛ Namiś non-dual meditation approach that allows an introspection of the impermanence (Anitya) to arrive at the highest form of wisdom (Pragya) within for personal welfare.

I would urge anyone really: child care centers, patient care centers, schools with youth anger management centers to reach out for help with their loved ones.

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